Do you need help with your writing? Partner with an NDH consultant and take your project to the next level.

NDH Consulting bases its price on three tiers of service.

  • Tier 1: Proofreading ($)

    Correcting for grammar, spelling, punctuation.

  • Tier 2: Copyediting ($$)

    Proofing plus editing for clarity, conciseness, and comprehensibility.

  • Tier 3: Substantive and Stylistic Editing ($$$)

    Copyediting plus feedback and revision recommendations for overall voice, flow, and style.

Meet NDH Consultant Editors

  • Nicholas C. Ozment

    Nicholas Ozment is an experienced writer and editor with an MA in English Language and Literature from Winona State University, where he taught English composition. He has edited post-graduate theses and doctoral dissertations as well as book chapters, articles, and academic essays both for new scholars and veteran tenured professors.

    Beyond academic work he has also edited published novels and short stories for clients. He has never had a dissatisfied customer, and many of his clients have returned for his services on subsequent projects.

    While at WSU Ozment served as Secretary of the English department’s Teacher Education Committee. He was a judge on panels that reviewed and ranked scholarship applications, and for the Education department he scored student essays written for acceptance into the education major program.

    As a graduate student, he passed the English Department’s exam with Distinction; his thesis advisors considered him one of the best writers the program ever graduated. He went on to share these skills with undergraduates in the classroom and then professors and organizations through private freelance editing and consultation. Now you can have him work with you.

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  • Do you have what it takes to join our team?

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